significant projects

TEMWISIT – Redesigning Finnish immigration and integration services
Project reconsidered actors’ engagement in inter and cross-organisational networks to make immigration and integration services more human centred.

This project consisted of two case studies, developed a framework for designing better health, social care and well-being services.
Co-design intervention to increase physical exercise in Doncaster
Project aimed to increased physical activity and sense of well-being with local population focusing on better use of Lakeside landscape.

Improving mental health services for young people
Project meant to improve national mental health service for young people from 16 to 18 year to be more accessible and young people friendly.

Whose diabetes it is?
Whose Diabetes is it’ project designed innovative clinic services to better support self-management in young people with diabetes type 1.
significant projects

MOMTech - Using mobile technology in tackling maternal obesity
This study identified factors that should be considered when designing text -messaging system for self-management and support of women with maternal obesity.
exploratory projects

Step into my shoes: What constitute a good supervision?
This exploratory project investigated what make successful PhD supervision meetings; what are the challenges that prevent that; and what are possible solutions.

This preliminary study collected immigrants’ relocation experience insides in relation to Finnish public services when, for example obtaining a residence permit or finding a job.
micro projects

Eat me! geo-tagging food library service design concept
Eat me! is a community built service which embraces locally grown food, by geo-tagging it, exchanging it as well as sharing experiences of growing it.

Enrich - a cross-generational knowledge and experience exchange community service
Enrich brings together older adults and young people on the school premises to jointly take part in activities including cookery, dance, and gardening.
Street Wheels - the design concept of a console and computer educational game
This game concept raises awareness of pavement obstacles considering wheelchair users and broadening ‘united in wheels’ understanding of how we all get around the streets.